Food for thought...

"Some People walk in the rain, others just get wet"

Thursday 2 September 2010

I went to the festival. Enough said really. Just stall after stall after stall of junk food, endless junk food. Things began okay, i ate a handful of cheerios on the first day, but after two nights of hardcore drinking and such, i had some serious munchies. And i have a terrible way of eating one bad thing and never being able to stop! I'm still trying to escape the ditch i've fallen down, but that old feeling is gradually creeping back!!

Onto other news, i got my GCSE's results, for americans i think thats like finals or something? I got 8 a*'s and 5a's. Pretty happy. But that happiness seems to have spiralled dramatically. I think its all the rubbish food in my system. I turned to the knife today, about 15 minutes ago to be exact when my mum went out. Before she left she knew something was up, i had a few tears welling in my eyes. Then she got back home, and what do you know! Fine again.