Food for thought...

"Some People walk in the rain, others just get wet"

Thursday 13 January 2011


I really hate arguments, I try to avoid them at all costs, really.
I hate it when you get those awful butterflies in your stomach when you've fallen out with your friends over something utterly pathetic. Well that's what I get; I feel completely lost and just generally sad.
I hate it even more when an argument makes me angry- I'd much rather just be alone than with someone who makes me angry.
I had an argument with my mum, who is a like friend to me in a really cheesy way. She walked in and started talking to me when I was utterly engrossed watching Silent Witness- quick summary: pathologists ominously walking around crime scenes, cutting up bodies and discovering murder cases, it's completely addictive!
So she muttered something to me and I may have a given her a half-hearted response in my dazed state. What followed was her telling me to "not use that tone with her", turning her nose up at me then storming out the room.
As I said, over something utterly pathetic. But it made me sooo mad. Its at times like that when I just get this sense of determination inside. Times like that when how realise how pitifully skinny my mum's legs were when she stormed out. Her 5"12 model-esque body just makes an argument even worse.

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