Food for thought...

"Some People walk in the rain, others just get wet"

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Just had three gruelling days of work and now I don't have to return for three days. Seems like nothing, but to me that's three days of freedom- and no co-workers breathing down my neck at lunch time.

I made £90, that's about 140 dollars for you Americans. Sweeeeeeet!
Only thing is, and get this...

I work in a cake shop. I know right; possibly THE worst job!
There's the constant whiff of fresh cake wafting around the shop at all times; not to mention chocolate by the bucket load. And then there's the stream of chirpy middle aged women who waltz through the door with either a huge smile across their face and the squeakiest of high-pitched enthusiastic voices, or there's the women who walk in, and you just know, right then and there, they're going to be hell.


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