Food for thought...

"Some People walk in the rain, others just get wet"

Sunday, 8 August 2010


I seem to have little spurts of motivation these days; this week was meant to be my "detox" week- I'm talking, constant flushes of green tea and icy water, no meat, basically vegan but in smaller amounts, and of course, plenty of exercise.
Sadly, things haven't panned out at all that way- on weds I consumed 4 krispy cremes consecutively; and I'm not talking the plain ringed ones, I'm talking the ones dipped in chocolate, sprinkles and icing sugar and filled with custard, cream and jam. It was a major downfall.

So now, onto better things.
My next big mark is a festival at the end of August- three weeks from now.
Enough time I hope to make a visible difference. I aim to be rocking the daisy duke shorts and wellies with the most amount of confidence I can achieve.
Wish me luck!

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